Inauguration of the third edition of the First Aid Academy

Another edition of the First Aid Academy started, the largest so far.
That ambitious educational programme is addressed to children and adolescents. Thanks to it, hundreds of students will be able to learn and practice the rules of first aid.
During practical workshops they will learn e.g. how to place the injured person in the recovery position, how to press the chest to maintain blood circulation, how to dress wounds and many other skills useful in emergency. It is equally important that during the training sessions the children will see how to take care of their own safety when providing first aid to the injured person.
The third edition of this action assumes organisation of 40 workshops with 1,200 young people to be trained during them. The honorary patron of the autumn and winter workshop cycle is Piotr Jedliński, President of Koszalin. The partners of this-year action are Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji Warta S.A. and Dajar. The media sponsors are Prestiż Magazyn Koszaliński monthly and “TV MAX”, Telewizja Kablowa Koszalin.